The Mission led by Ambassador Peris Kariuki, Deputy Head of Mission held a meeting at the Chancery with the Federation of Industries of the State of Goiás (FIEG) Director of the International Business Center (CIN), Mr. Carlos Stuart.
The meeting’s objective was to present Kenya as a choice trade and investment destination to the over 15,000 industries represented under FIEG and discuss Kenya’s participation at the upcoming 1st EXPOIND (Technology and Solutions Suppliers Fair for the Goiás Industry) and 11th EICE (International Foreign Trade Meeting) scheduled to take place from 9th to 11th October 2024, at the PUC Convention Center in Goiânia, State of Goiás, Brazil.
It was notified that Mission will have a dedicated booth to showcase Kenya’s export commodities and services as well as opportunities to engage with industrial players in the State of Goiás.