Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage

Every Kenyan wishing to marry abroad has to apply for a Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage from the nearest Kenyan Mission. Marriages conducted without issuance of this Certificate are neither recognized by the Mission nor the Authorities in Kenya. To facilitate issuance of the certificate of no impediment to marriage, form No.7 must be completed and returned to the Embassy.


  1. Complete 2 copies of Form 7. Download the form here.
  2. Two Photocopies of your passport (bio data page)
  3. Two copies of Birth certificate
  4. Two copies of the passport of the would-be bride or bride groom
  5. Fee of R$ 100

Processing of the application could take up to 3 months or more. Note that the Kenya Government neither acknowledges nor endorses same-sex marriages. NB: Any incomplete application will be returned.

Further details may be obtained from:

The Registrar of Marriages

Department of the Registrar General

Po Box 30031


Tel: +25420227461

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