Meeting with the Federation of Industries of the State of Amazonas (FIEAM) in Manaus, Amazonas State:

His Excellency Ambassador Lemarron Kaanto held a meeting with Mr. Nelson Azevedo, 1st Vice President of the Federation of Industries of the State of Amazonas (FIEAM) in Manaus, Amazonas State on 14th August 2024. Also present were Ms. Renée Fagundes Veiga, Head of Cooperate Office, Manager of Technical and Sustainability Advisory of the Presidency of FIEAM and Ms. Beatrice Kinyua, Commercial Attaché of the Kenya Embassy Brasilia. Key deliberations were on the forging of linkages amongst the Brazilian business associations and Kenyan business enterprises that focus on industrialization and manufacturing. The Ambassador also extended a formal invitation to the President of FIEAM, Mr. Antonio Silva and the membership of FIEAM to participate in the upcoming 2nd Brazil High-Level Conference and Business Mission to Kenya scheduled to take place from 1st to 3rd October 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya.

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