
Prof. Judi Wakhungu. Cabinet Secretary for Environment, led the Kenyan delegation to the UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) held from 17th -20th October, 2016 in Quito, Ecuador. The aim of the conference was to define a New Urban Agenda, building on the outcomes of previous UN Conferences on Human Settlements namely; Habitat I (1976) and II (1996), and other major UN summits and conferences in the economic, social and environmental fields.


Prof. Judi Wakhungu. Cabinet Secretary for Environment, led the Kenyan delegation to the UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) held from 17th -20th October, 2016 in Quito, Ecuador. The aim of the conference was to define a New Urban Agenda, building on the outcomes of previous UN Conferences on Human Settlements namely; Habitat I (1976) and II (1996), and other major UN summits and conferences in the economic, social and environmental fields. Leia mais »

Amb. Isaac Ochieng and Mr. Nelci Peres Caixeta, the General Coordinator for Africa, Asia, Middle East and Oceania, signed the Cotton Victoria Project Agreement on 11th October, 2016 at the Kenya Embassy Brasilia. The Cotton Victoria Project is a partnership between Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC), Brazilian Cotton Institute (IBA), Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), Kenya, Tanzania and Burundi. The project will run for four years 


Amb. Isaac Ochieng and Mr. Nelci Peres Caixeta, the General Coordinator for Africa, Asia, Middle East and Oceania, signed the Cotton Victoria Project Agreement on 11th October, 2016 at the Kenya Embassy Brasilia. The Cotton Victoria Project is a partnership between Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC), Brazilian Cotton Institute (IBA), Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), Kenya, Tanzania and Burundi. The project will run for four years  Leia mais »

Mr. Kiprono Kittony, Chairman, Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry and his counterpart the Chairman, Rosario Chamber of Commerce, Argentina signing an MOU to design and commit to at least one Action Plan for 2017 and beyond. In attendance during the signing is Amb. Isaac Ochieng and Ms. Zaynab Khanbai, Director LAC Africa Ltd.


Mr. Kiprono Kittony, Chairman, Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry and his counterpart the Chairman, Rosario Chamber of Commerce, Argentina signing an MOU to design and commit to at least one Action Plan for 2017 and beyond. In attendance during the signing is Amb. Isaac Ochieng and Ms. Zaynab Khanbai, Director LAC Africa Ltd. Leia mais »

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